Top 10 at Flower Patch

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The top 10 at Flower Patch! Were you curious about what everyone seemed to love the most here at Flower Patch the past year? Maybe not but I do love to look back and see what resonated with my readers.

My blog is not just some helpful gardening advice or dry facts.

It is the journal for my garden and what has worked for me and what hasn’t despite what so-called experts say.

Many times I defy the traditional advice and have found that for me to grow a particular plant successfully, I must deviate from what is the norm.

echinacea and liatris with text overlay, the best tips and tricks, top ten garden posts of 2022, flower patch farmhouse dot com

Real-life gardening is not a zone or technique that a popular blogger, vlogger or garden magazine recommends.

It is a personal trial-and-error experience. There are so many variables in the garden that are determined by local climate, even a micro-climate relative to your actual piece of land, soil type, type of animals that may help or hurt your efforts, and more.

There is no one size fits all gardening. I want to emphasize, that even long-time gardeners, kill plants.

We don’t mean to but it happens. Don’t get discouraged, just learn from it and move on.

That being said let’s get to the countdown.

10. Root Roses from Cuttings

I love to propagate plants and rooting roses is an obsession of mine. Vintage roses are some of the easiest ones to propagate this way but other “off patent” hybrids do fine as well.

Scentimental Rose, how to root rose cuttings, Flower Patch Farmhouse

If you want something to grow roses up then try this Garden Obelisk.

#9. Why Isn’t My Lilac Blooming?

This one took off this year, so I assume many are wondering what could possibly be wrong with their lilacs.

burgundy lilac bloom with text overlay, Lilacs not Blooming? 10 Reasons why and how to fix it!

There is a link in this post to an article all on Lilac Care so if you need, you can check on that one too.

#8 Why NOT to Use Epsom Salt in Your Garden!

This get a lot of negative feedback by those that swear by using this in the garden but I share why it may not be the best solution for your problem.

David Austin Sceptre de Isle rose, August Garden Journal

You may be only masking the true cause of your issue instead of resolving it.

#7 How to Pinch Dahlias for More Blooms!

This is such a simple way to get more than double the amount of blooms on your Dahlias.

I share close up photos as well as a video of the process!

bouquet of pink and apricot dahlias in a vase

More blooms to pick for your cut flower bouquets!

#6 Sow Your Seeds in Fall

A simple way to get a head start on so many things in the garden. This has maintained its position in the Top 10 for several years.

Flowers grow from seed in summer

Don’t we all love a fast and easy approach to more flowers in our gardens?

#5 Plant Iris Correctly for the Most Blooms

I have an addiction to Iris and I have given away loads to friends and family!

Only to have the kill them from planting them incorrectly so I figured I need to share how to do it so you have the best success.

Paul Black, Superstition Iris Gardens

A few simple tips and tricks keep you in Iris blooms for years and years.

#4 How to Save a Dying Rose

This has gained in popularity and works for me so well. I know it seems quite rudimentary but I shared it anyways.

Maybe you are having the same issues.

#3. Revive Potted Petunias

Petunias will always have a spot in my garden, I love them!

Many times by mid-summer they are looking sad and tired but you can keep them vibrant and filled with blooms!

grow petunias from cuttings and fill a galvanized tub

Even if yours have become leggy and stopped blooming you can revive them!

#2 Root Lilacs from Cuttings

Lilacs seem to be popular this past year and so has the post on how you can propagate them from cuttings!

This is a simple way to get the same plant from a grandparent’s home or from one that grows great in your neighborhood (that way you know it should grow well for you too)

heirloom lavender lilac bush in full bloom, Flower Patch Farmhouse

There are loads of lilacs in my neighborhood and when I can’t get suckers then I take cuttings.

And the number most visited post on Flower Patch was…

#1 The Fastest Way to Propagate Lilacs!

Yep, cuttings are a great way to propagate lilacs but this method is a faster and easier way (in my opinion) to a nice beautiful new lilac.

Rooting lilacs, easy and fragrant fun,

Give it a try and see how fast and easy it is!

So for my 2023 garden goals I am going to rewild an area to keep it not only more pollinator freindly but less maintenance.

I will share how that goes along the way.

And I have a gravel garden to put in and I know it will be gorgeous. I have been saving photos from different public gardens I have visited over the year for some fantastic ideas and I can’t wait to get going on that too.

I have also been collecting different Sempervivums for the area and I know they will look spectacular in the new gravel garden.

What are your garden goals for 2023?

Happy Gardening!

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