A bit of Fall on the Table

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Come enjoy a Bit of Fall on the Table, a DIY rustic box or crate, fresh flowers and milk jars.

Create a simple vignette for pennies using things you have, create or found!

A bit of Fall in the Dining Room, FlowerPatchFarmhouse.comJust a bit of a ramble today.  I spent my 30 minutes of garden time this morning deadheading spent blooms and clipping flowers for display on our dining room table. All the while I am trying to brainstorm a post on how I take care of my gardens in little portions of time.
Being that I do it without really thinking about it I am now consciously considering what I am doing and I am setting a timer to see what I truthfully accomplish in half an hour.  I can easily lose track of time when I am in the garden so setting a timer if I have to be somewhere else soon is a must.
Click here to Check out my Lazy Gals Garden guide for keeping it real but having a beautiful garden too. 
Fall Blooms in a Vintage crate, FlowerPatchFarmhouse.comYou really can get quite a bit done in that amount of time and if you tackle it a bit each day or even every other day you can have a lush garden full of gorgeous flowers. I promise.

Right now I still have a few roses blooming and will until the first frost.  I am going to pick as many as I can to bring inside to enjoy like these apricot and yellow beauties here.
I am loving the little crate I made,  it is perfect with the cream bottles that fit inside to use as vases for the flowers.
I use this crate as a center piece for my dining room table.
Fall Blooms in a Vintage Crate, FlowerPatchFarmhouse.comWe have been enjoying some spectacular sunsets lately, I can’t even get close to the beauty in the sky but you can get an inkling in this shot.
Sunset in White Pines, FlowerPatchFarmhouse.com My Fall Welcome sign is coming along and I do hope to finish by Friday.   I have a new bench design to share soon too.
Update: Here is my Fall Welcome sign completed.
Update: My New Bench Design
Fall in the Garden, FlowerPatchFarmhouse.com (7 of 10)My garden is keeping me busy, Fall Clean up, tossing out seeds for next Spring, transplanting Iris and rearranging of perennials.  All along the way I am enjoying what is blooming now for the last hurrah of garden goodness. A few Zinnias…
Zinnias Lots of mums..
Fall in the Garden, FlowerPatchFarmhouse.com (3 of 10)A Daisy here and there…
Fall in the Garden, FlowerPatchFarmhouse.com (6 of 9)late blooming Hollyhocks…with her little friend the Bumblebee
Fall in the Garden, FlowerPatchFarmhouse.com (2 of 9)Nearly Wild Rose…Fall in the Garden, FlowerPatchFarmhouse.com (4 of 9)And the last Black Eyed Susan’s of the season…
Fall in the Garden, FlowerPatchFarmhouse.com (5 of 9)
How is your Fall going?  While we are enjoying fine weather with temps in the low 80s and wonderful sunshine I know others are already getting rain and cooler weather.  As much as we do need it I am relishing the fine weather and fun in the garden. All too soon it will be draped in snowdrifts and be nothing but white.
Thank goodness my studio cottage has heat.
Happy Autumn Sunshine everyone!

Other Posts You Will Find Helpful

Sow Your Seeds in Fall
Deadheading for Continuous Blooms
How to Save Seeds
Gorgeous Ground Covers You Can Grow
We were featured on Vintage Inspirations!

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  1. We have enjoyed some spectacular Fall weather so far, the only thing that would make it better is if it rained heartily every night and the sun shone each day. We need the moisture desperately as the magnificent pines, cedars and firs are dying all around us at an alarming rate from the severe drought.

  2. Hi Pamela,
    Such lovely Fall pictures, they are all beautiful…………that sky is amazing!
    Thanks for sharing these fun fall blasts.
    Happy Fall,

  3. I am so glad you enjoyed it. Funny how the simplest things can bring us joy.

  4. Flowers and jars and boxes….you’ve just used tow of my favorite things so I like your work!

  5. After our rain yesterday the overnight temps got down into the 40’s, so now many of the trees will start to really turn their lovely colors. We have been having some abnormally warm night temps the past few weeks. I am not done outside but I need to get my pattootie moving, we can get snow in October though typically we don’t’ see measurable snow until late November.

  6. We are surrounded with such loveliness I can’t help to share. I walked down by our lake yesterday and it is nearly dry! I have not seen that in years. But we did get a good rain yesterday and the resort up on the mountain showed it snowing so maybe this will be the year to get some rain and snow for California!

  7. I am so glad you enjoyed it Kat and I am happy I could provide you a trip down memory lane a bit for a respite from the everyday. I know when my cousins and I get together and share our memories of our time at our Grandparents farm when we were young is so delightful and refreshing. We have the fondest memories.

  8. The flowers and sign are beautiful. Im doing the same as you, wrapping up the gardens for the winter. It’s turned cold here so I’m glad I have everything done outside.

  9. Pamela, Love the center piece for fall. I am sure you made the planter also. Your sign is coming a long very nicely. The sky is breathetaking. Thank you for sharing all the beauty that surrounds you.

  10. Just wanted to let you know, how much I enjoyed your post today,made me homesick for the farm of my youth up north.
    Thankyou for my nice trip down memory lane today.I visited both grandparents farms and blooms in my mental meanderings today.
    Today in actuality I was trimming up my father’s yard, while in my mind I was visiting the old places, and your right time flies without you noticing,until someone yells ” when is lunch?”..
    The mental breaks screech on and then it’s a quick shower and chicken salad and lemonade for dad! THANK YOU AGAIN!!! $

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