Galvanized Tubs and Buckets Container Garden
Galvanized tubs and buckets container garden is a wonderful way to add beautiful blooms on a patio or deck.
The more patina the galvanized tubs and buckets have gained from being in the elements the better. I have quite a collection in various sizes.
Some have holes rusted or worn in them and others will hold water just fine.
My galvanized tubs and buckets container garden sits on my back deck along with our patio table and chairs. Our seating area is close by and being surrounded by plants and flowers makes for a very relaxing area.
I switch them up year by year, season by season. You can use galvanized tubs and buckets with or without holes. I share with you how to do both.
Proven Winners Grape Punch and Sweet Alyssum
How to use Galvanized tubs and buckets with holes
The galvanized tubs and buckets with existing holes get filled with good rich potting soil and planted up with all kinds of flowery goodness.
I don’t stick to any planting rules like a thriller, spiller, etc. I usually like sticking to a couple of plants with rich color and offset them both with maybe a white or foliage plant that makes a striking contrast.
Purple Wave Petunia, White Calibrachoa, and Euphorbia “Breathless White”
How to use Galvanized tubs and buckets without holes
The tubs that are solid with no drainage (holes in them) are used as a secondary container. All the flowers in this tub are in one-gallon pots set down in the larger tub.
The Japanese Maple towards the back is showing its standard black plastic pot, I have yet to find a tub around here that it will fit in, it is sitting on top of coffee can to give it added height.
How to add height to galvanized tubs and buckets container garden
This is a trick I use in many of my buckets and tubs.
As you can see my Sweet Potato vine would set too low in the bucket unless I put something at the bottom to give it a boost.
In this case, a recycled cottage cheese tub is just the right size to give the added height needed.
I added a smaller pot with some trailing geranium to the bucket alongside the potato vine.
I like this method as I can switch out what I have in the bucket according to my whim. Just pull out one potted plant and replace it with another.
Different ways to use Galvanized Tubs and Bucket
Sometimes I stack different-sized tubs and buckets together to make a tiered planting. I shared one I did in past years in this post, Old Buckets & a Wine Barrel
I need to do that again, it was such flower lovin’ eye candy all season.
Galvanized Tub Fountain
The tub to the right in this shot I have turned into a fountain. My whiskey barrel that was the base for my fountain started to deteriorate (it is well over 15 years old) so last summer I transferred the pump apparatus to this big galvanized tub.
I put it on casters so I could move it around more easily. I am trying to figure out a way to add another bucket so it will cascade down two levels, more on that later if I succeed.
The bucket setting beside the pump has a horsetail plant and an ivy geranium in it.
The bucket bottom had completely rusted out so I added a plastic dish to the bucket that is wider than the bucket base, it catches against the sides and provides a bottom for the potted horsetail plant.
Since they like sitting in water I keep the dish filled with water. The potted ivy geranium sits on the soil of the horsetail plant.
Galvanized Tub Shade Garden
In the corner of my deck, I have a shady seating area and I have planted some tubs up with shade-loving plants.
This one has White Begonia, Lamium with Lavender flowers, and a plant that reminds me of Coleus but isn’t.
It is called Magilla Perilla. It has sturdier stems than coleus and is growing like a weed. I love it.
You will want to be sure to plant plants that enjoy the same conditions. For instance, shade-loving, sun-loving, well-draining soil or more moisture-retentive soil.
Alternatives to Galvanized Tubs
Another container I just love is crocks, I think they go so well with the tubs, and soon I should do a post on my crock containers.
This crock is holding a potted bamboo, I think it is Golden Bamboo but I am not certain a friend digs them out of her yard and gives them away.
All my bamboo is in pots on my deck and not in the ground. I have them placed around my deck to add a tropical touch.
I have been having a lot of fun fixing up this back corner of the deck.
We had a table and chairs here last year but this summer I wanted a more comfy lounging area rather than a dining area.
I sit out here to read my daily bible text each morning with my coffee before touring my garden. I am sitting out here tonight writing up this post.
It has been my favorite spot this summer so far. My fountain is running, the rush of water providing a soothing sound, the hummingbirds are flitting around my head as they dart back and forth to the feeder close by.
They have gotten quite used to my presence and let me know their feeder is getting low by flying in front of my face and hovering there until I get up and refill it. Cheeky little rascals.
Happy Summer Days!
Have you used galvanized buckets and tubs in your garden?
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Old Buckets & a Wine Barrel
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I know, my brain is teeming as well.
I love everything you did. I am ready for spring now that I have all these great ideas.
I am all over galvanized. Your pots are just gorgeous and I love the way you’re using bamboo in pots. That will definitely keep it contained.
I love both the galvanized tubs and the crocks too. I use them indoors in the colder months for different decor too. They are so versatile and timeless.
I love the look of your porch and garden! I love the idea incorporating vintage items in the garden. We are currently using a crock as a planter, but I need to keep my eye out for some old galvanized pails & tubs!