Olive Egger Chicks update

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Just a quick update for those loving all things chicken…
my Olive Egger chicks have integrated seamlessly in with the older hens.
You may remember them back in the day…
chick in a teacupWhen they were so small they fit into a vintage teacup
And when they graduated to the brooder
chicks in brooderNow they are looking so grown up..
They are even catching up to the older ladies in size. 
I marked the Swedish Flower hen so you can see which one she is and how the chicks are nearly the same size. 
It seems I have 3 roosters and 3 hens of the Olive Eggers. 
Though 2 of the Roos have pea combs they are obviously much larger than the 3 hens. 
Now I want to hatch some Cream Legbars or even just get some Easter Egger chicks for more blue eggs.
My current Easter eggers are getting older and I do love having a variety of colored eggs.

bowlof eggs
Aren’t they pretty…

Okay, enough chatter from me, off to work I go.
Have a wonderful day, it looks like it will be sunny after a couple days of rainy weather. 

signaturePamela_thumb.pngMetamorphosis Monday

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  1. I so enjoy my Ladies and several neighbors have chickens around here, you can hear the roosters crowing to each other in the mornings.

  2. You are more than welcome for the videos. I think I am getting a bit better at it. If I am mindful of where I have my arms and hands so they aren’t in the way. I am planning many more so keep on checking back. I do enjoy my chickens. That reminds me I need to go feed them this morning.

  3. Linda Southworth says:

    They grew so fast! Just love them but like Shea no chicks where I live. I just finished watching how to letter a sign. I am just itching to try my hand at it. Thank you for all the videos I see.

  4. Natural Easter eggs – lucky you! They’re quite beautiful. I’ve often wanted to raise chickens but can’t in my suburb. I’ll enjoy yours instead!

  5. Incredible. . . Edible Eggs!

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