Garden Tour Late May 2016

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Garden Tour Late May 2016May 2016 Garden Tour

I know my garden is behind many others this time of year but it is always well worth the wait.  We have had a bit more than normal amount of rain for May and it has been downright chilly.  Last weekend it got down to 32 degrees one night.  An old adage around here is not to plant your heat loving plants (aka: tomatoes, pepper etc) until after the third weekend of May and it has held true.

May 2016 Garden Tour

My Clematis and Iris are vying for attention, they both are looking spectacular this season. They are loaded with blooms.
Belle of Woking Clematis

Belle of Woking Clematis
I have the hardest time getting the true color of Warsaw Nike clematis in close ups, but this photo does a good job of showing how very dark purple it actually is.  It is the purple flower to the left.
The redder flower is Black Barlow Columbine, it has gone bonkers here.  Could be all the chicken manure I dumped behind it last summer.   The Hollyhock is suffering sadly with rust, it has been exacerbated by the wet weather.  I will have to chop it back to a nub and usually what grows back will not have it so bad and will go ahead and produce flowers.  All of my Hollyhocks are going to have to be severely cut back this Spring because of it.
Warsaw Nike ClematisHere is a close up of the Warsaw Nike so you know what I am saying about not capturing the true color up close.
Warsaw Nike Clematis
Another Clematis which I think may be Killian Donahue but I can’t remember for certain.  It is just outdoing itself.  This is another one I mulched with my chicken manure debris heavily last Summer and Fall.  I think it liked it.
Killian Donahue Clematis
More Iris are blooming, some in my Secret Garden.
Revere Iris
Persian Berry…a friend gave this too me and it fits in so well with my Secret Garden color scheme.

Persian Berry Iris

This is one I had moved from the side yard to the Secret Garden.  I had thought it was one of my new acquisitions and shared it on Facebook that way but I was in error.  The new one is next to it and is supposedly more blue along the falls instead of purple.

May 2016 Garden Tour

My climbing roses are reaching for the sky.  This is my Zepherine Douhin at about 8 feet high.  It is climbing my porch post and is at nose height as you walk along the side porch so you get a good whiff of its sweet perfume.

Zepherine Douhin climbing rose
A climber in my Secret Garden…it is at the top of the fence and reaching higher.  I need to train it laterally or build another obelisk for it to climb higher still.
May 26 Garden Tour (19 of 19)

Here is a very welcome visitor to my gardens.  These and other pollinators are one of my reasons for gardening organically.  Even if it means a few trials and tribulations like rust on Hollyhocks.  My gardens teem with bees, butterflies and other flying critters that come here for a safe place to sup, lay eggs and pollinate in safety.   I cannot step into the garden on a warm afternoon without seeing several and it makes my heart glad.

Butterfly in the Secret Garden

Would you believe this is just a small bit of my garden blooms.  I am awash in flowers and I love it!

I wish you all a fantastic extended weekend!

Happy Gardening.


Late May 2016 Garden Tour



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  1. Lyn Pilgrim says:

    I have red, coral, light pink & white all grown from seed years ago, if your seeds are the same variety as mine the late planting will not make any difference as they don’t flower the first year. I love poppies & look forward to seeing their beautiful flowers each year. Have a good week, Lyn x

  2. I have yet to grow oriental poppies. My mom has a gorgeous coral/peach one. I bought some seeds and will give it a go soon. The packet says I should’ve planted them 6 weeks ago. Yikes.

  3. I was actually out planting my tomatoes today, more and more things are beginning to bloom. Such a gorgeous day today. The roses are perfuming it well and they have not even all bloomed out yet.

  4. I love sharing my garden so I am so glad you chimed in to let me know I am not boring everybody with my enthusiasm for it all. 🙂 Thank you.

  5. More and more are blossoming. I couple more Iris too. Love this time of year. My wrap around porch is a fragrant path. My Cecile Brunner that climbs my chicken house is at its peak, and the sweet perfume overcomes the odor of the chicken pen. 🙂

  6. Enjoyed the walk in your garden this morning. I could almost smell the roses!

  7. Crystal Thomasson says:

    Its such a pleasure to see your share your love an inspiration for your garden! I love and appreciate its beauty and your thoughtful care. Sure wish I had access to such appearance here in my desert place! Have a blessed day!

  8. Gorgeous, gorgeous flowers!

  9. Lovely photos, lovely garden…a work of art to inspire us all

  10. Lyn Pilgrim says:

    Beautiful photos as always Pam my oriental poppies are looking lovely in my garden at the moment.

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