Pothos Care for Beginners

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Pothos plant is a very popular houseplant because they are easy to grow and care for making it perfect for beginners!

If you’re thinking about adding this plant to your home, here’s everything you need to know about Pothos care.

Growing and caring for pothos plants is easy enough for beginners but a few simple instructions will help you get the most from your Devil’s Ivy plant.

pothos plants on shelf in front of white wall

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Pothos Care

Pothos plants are known for being tough and resilient.

They can tolerate low light conditions and inconsistent watering, which makes them ideal for beginner gardeners or anyone who doesn’t have a lot of time to spend on plant care.

The white and green variegated leaves of Marble Queen Pothos
The white and green variegated leaves of Marble Queen Pothos

Pothos plants are part of the Araceae family and are native to Southeast Asia. They are also known as Epipremnum aureum or by their nickname, “Devil’s Ivy.”

Pothos plants typically have heart-shaped leaves that are variegated with white, yellow, or green. They can grow quite large if they enjoy the conditions you give them, so it may be necessary to prune them regularly.

That said, pothos plants will thrive if you give them the proper care. Here are a few tips on how to do that.

Can Pothos Survive in Low Light?

Pothos plants prefer bright, indirect light but can tolerate low light conditions.

If your plant is not getting enough light, it will not grow vigorously or it will become gangly.

If your pothos is highly variegated, especially variegated with white, it may not thrive in low light and it could revert back to just green leaves.

But, if it’s getting too much light or direct sun, the leaves will develop brown patches. Experiment with different spots in your home until you find a place where your plant is happy.

How Often to Water Pothos

Pothos plants like to be kept moist but not soggy. Let the soil dry between watering.

Water your plant when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. I prefer using a moisture meter rather than my finger. I don’t like getting my fingernail full of dirt.

If the meter reads into the dry then it is time to water your Pothos.

During the spring and summer months when your plant is actively growing, you may need to water it once per week. That is my schedule and it works well.

In the fall and winter months when growth slows down, you can reduce watering to once every two weeks. It’s better to underwater a pothos plant than overwater it; too much water can cause the roots to rot which will kill the plant.


Pothos plants thrive in humid environments but can also tolerate dry air. I use a humidifier like this one in my house and it works well.

Pruning Pothos

If you give your pothos all the right conditions and it thrives it will grow abundantly and need a trim from time to time.

You can just cut off the extra long stems with garden snips as short as you like, this not only neatens up the plant but can help it to stay bushier.

You can compost the cuttings or you can propagate them. In tropical areas, it is an invasive plant out of doors so dispose of your cuttings responsibly.

Propagating Pothos Plants

Pothos are super easy to propagate from cuttings and it’s a wonderful way to get more plants for free.

Just to show you how easy it is here is an article all about Propagating Pothos from Cuttings.

more pothos for free

Propagating Pothos

Propagating pothos is so simple that beginner houseplant owners can easily do it. It is as easy as giving your pothos plant a haircut and plopping in water. But let’s get the details for sure success!

pothos cutting in jar in window

Are Pothos Toxic to Cats and Dogs

Pothos plants are poisonous to cats and dogs. Ingestion can cause stomach irritation and vomiting. Rarely fatal unless they were to eat a large amount it is still worth knowing so as to protect your pets from accidental poisoning.

This also applies to humans so keep these plants away from small children who may try to taste the leaves.

With their vibrant leaf colors and ability to tolerate lower light conditions, pothos plants make great houseplants for anyone wanting an easy-going plant that delivers a lot of bang for the buck.

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