Iris, my Spring Beauties
I love Iris.
I have several colors and varieties, and I am constantly adding more. I must share all this colorful glory!
On the subtle side is Beverly Sills Iris.
She is so graceful and delicate looking.
Just to the left is this ice blue Iris that is a perfect foil for her, the name of which I have long forgotten.
But if you go to Schreiners Gardens you are sure to find one similar.
The king of flamboyance amongst all of them is The Sultan.
Such an interesting contrast in colors
Prince George is just as regal, the orange beard a bright attention getter.
Not to far to his right is one I like to call Orange Sherbet, my absolute favorite ice cream flavor as a kid.
Just behind Orange Sherbet is this gorgeous creature,
I truly wish I could remember all the names of these Iris.
But again, you can find ones just as pretty or the same ones at Schreiners Garden
I am not an affiliate of theirs, just an ardent fan of their Iris quality and selection.
Continuting on down the same bed we come to this bright contender.
The foxgloves are just starting but they don’t seem to be as lush as they were last Spring, most likely the lack of rain we had this past winter.
An absolute favorite of mine is this Starship Enterprise.
It just glows with breathtaking beauty.
In a group they are even more stunning.
Last Summer I did a post on how I divide and replant my iris.
Ta Da!
Here are the results.
All three of these beauties were part of the ones I dug up and transplanted that day.
Not only have they flourished but they are blooming away.
I have a few more of these to share but will save them for another tour.
My roses are going crazy right now too so that is a future post as well.
Happy Gardening!
Yes, just go to Schreiners website, you will be amazed at what is available. I avoid going there myself, I never seem to be able to leave without buying a ton more. 🙂
Pamela, I had no idea there were so many beautiful varieties of Iris. I especially have never seen a pink one. Yours is lovely! Your Iris garden is quite spectacular.
I do love sharing. Walking among the in the morning is such a fabulous start to the day. I need to separate out my Beverly Sills, she has really spread this year.
I love my Iris’. I enjoy not only their beauty but some of them have the loveliest perfume. So fruity and sweet. They are planted by my front porch and the evening breeze carries the fragrance into our living room.
Something I don’t have, well I do have African Iris, but not these bearded variety. Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures!
These are gorgeous!! Iris do very well here, and I, too, have Beverly Sills among many others, and she’s so delicate and soft. I love the fragrance that some iris carry, too. Thank you so much for sharing!
I love irises, they have so much charm; thanks for sharing 🙂